Not what you were looking for? See Car Battery or Battery Lock.
The Battery is the item used for unlocking the Battery Lock, one of the locks on the Main Door Escape Route.
The Battery appears as a small, thin black box with two golden contacts on its side, labeled using a little note as "Battery".
This item will only spawn in-game if the Player ticked the "Extra locks" option in the Options Menu, or is playing in either Hard or Extreme mode.
The Battery's main use is deactivating the Battery Lock, one of the obstacles on the way for the Main Door Escape Route. Once the item has been used on the lock, a loud buzzing noise will play and alert Granny to its location.
Once the game begins, the Battery will appear in one of listed below locations, determined by the Presets.
- Preset #1 - Secret Area Top Floor - In the left drawer
- Preset #2 - Kitchen - In cupboard #6
- Preset #3 - Old House Kitchen - In the fireplace
- Preset #4 - Hidden Closet - On the top-left shelf, right next to the entrance
- Preset #5 - Stair Closet - On the shelf
- The font on the Battery's label is called "Kristen ITC".
- This font also used in The Twins.
- In the previous versions, the Battery could spawn in these following spots: in the Nursery's Right Drawer, in the Meat Room, under the Hanging Meat, and on the Jail Shelf (see the gallery for more information).
- The buzzing noise from the Special Lock in Granny: Chapter Two is reused from the Battery Lock.
- The Battery is one of the few items that have not changed its locations in V1.8. Same goes with the Birdseed, Car Key, Gasoline Can, and the Remote Control.
- The Battery is the only item in the game that can spawn inside the fireplace, and the only item that can spawn inside the Kitchen's cupboard #6.
Description | Audio |
The Battery hitting something. | |
The Battery Lock deactivating after being powered with this item. |