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Granny Wiki

Cupboards are used for storing items in Granny, which they may house during gameplay. The Kitchen's cupboards were added in Version 1.0, the Old Houses' Kitchen cupboards were added in Version 1.7, and the Spider Cellar's cupboards were added in Version 1.8.

Appearance & Locations[]

There are six Cupboards in the Kitchen. They have chipping white paint, with brown wood under that chipping paint. They are just large carved out spaces within the Kitchen counter.

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The Kitchen cupboards (numbered).

There are two Cupboards in the Old House Kitchen. The right one has a working door, and the left one just has the broken door set against the wall. Items are only hidden in the Cupboard that has the working door. They are similar to the ones in the Kitchen, but are smaller, and the doors are made from dark brown wooden planks.


The Old House Kitchen cupboards.

There are four Cupboards across the Spider Cellar. They are all the same, having a chipping white paint across brown wood. They are cubical, and have small stubs against the doors for handles. They are also all found at the same height, and are against a wall.

Spider Cellar Cupboards

The Spider Cellar cupboards (numbered).

The Spider Cellar Cupboard #1 is located in the room next to the Sewer vent grille shortcut. Cupboard #2 is located in the room right next to the Spider Cellar Drain. Cupboard #3 and #4 are located in the barred off area that requires the Wheel Crank to open. Cupboard #3 is in the room closer to the main area, while Cupboard #4 is in the farther room.



Old House Kitchen[]

Spider Cellar[]


  • Different items used to spawn in the cupboards.
    • The Meat used to spawn in Kitchen Cupboard #4 in Preset 1. This was changed in V1.8.
    • The Hammer used to spawn Kitchen Cupboard #2 in Preset 2. This was changed in Version 1.1.
    • The Winch Handle used to spawn in Kitchen Cupboard #3 in Preset 4. This was changed in Version 1.8.
    • Currently, Kitchen Cupboards #3 and 4 go unused as possible item locations due to the Meat and Winch Handle being moved.
  • Prior to Version, Players could not hide in the Kitchen Cupboards.
    • With the Old House Cupboard specifically, you can actually soft-lock yourself in it. Simply climb into as far as you can, then close the door on yourself. The door will push you inwards, and thus, you will be shoved into the sink. You will have to restart your game as you can no longer get out, unless you can managed to get Granny to kill you.
  • The texture of the Dining Table and Kitchen Cupboards' cover are the same textures.
  • Due to the culling the game has, if you look at a cupboard door from the right angle, it will disappear. This happens with almost all interactable entities in the game.
  • The Hammer and the Winch Handle are the two items that can't spawn inside the Spider Cellar Cupboards. This could possibly be due to the items' size.
    • Instead, these two spawns right next to the Cupboards.

