Granny Wiki
Not to be confused with a similar item called the Blue Vase.

The Grey Vase is an item that has existed in Granny since Version 1.0. It can be used to lure Granny to desired locations. This item is not required to escape from Granny’s house, but it is a useful method of luring Granny. It has the same use as the Blue Vase.


The Grey Vase is a porcelain vase with an alternating black and white zigzag pattern. The foot and body are rounded and spherical, while the shoulder thins into a cylindrical neck. The lip slightly expands outwards. It can be found on the small, circular table in the Starting Bedroom.


As this item is not required to escape, the Grey Vase's only good use is to create noise and lure Granny.


There is a useful trick as of Version, which is very useful on Extreme Mode. Because the player can't be 100% sure where Granny is going to spawn, they should throw the vase in the back right corner of the Starting Bedroom and hide behind the door. Once Granny comes in, the Player then should try to phase through the door, if that doesn't work just go around it or try something until you find a strategy that works the best for you.

There is an alternative to this trick, the Player needs to repeat the process of dropping the vase, but this time they hide in the Cabinet. Once Granny comes in, you just leave the Cabinet and rush to the exit. Just don't leave too early, and make sure to close the door behind yourself.

It also can trick Granny if the player manages to throw it over the Unstable Flooring and trick Granny into knocking the planks off. The player can also try throwing it through the Planks or right next to them.

Another trick/glitch that can be done by using the vase, is to knock down the Screwdriver without a weapon. Basically, the player needs to go in the Bathroom and then go next to the corner in between the sinks and the toilet, once they see a little sparkle through the wall (the effect from the Screwdriver), they need to stick to the wall, aim and then clip the vase through the wall. If successful, the player will knock the Screwdriver off of the shelf, and safely retrieve it.


  • Most players only used this item to get Granny to open the Starting Bedroom door on day 2, prior to Version 1.7.
  • The Grey Vase, the Blue Vase, and the Note are the only items to not have a label shown in text below the crosshair.
  • The Grey Vase and the Blue Vase are the loudest items in the game.
  • The vases and the Hammer are good items if you want to lure Granny and do tricks as all of these items creates a loud noise.
  • In the game files, it is referred to as "Vas" (Swedish for vase).
  • Unlike Granny 3, this vase has no use for progression and it is only used for distraction.
  • The texture of the vase is actually a "Seamless marble tile pattern texture".


Description Audio
The Grey Vase hitting against something.




ItemsBear TrapsBell AlarmBoxesCandlesticksChairChristmas TreeCoversCreaking FloorsFloor LampGirderGuillotineHangerHanging MeatHanging PlatesMannequinMetal PanelMicrowaveNumeric PadlockPaintingsPassenger DoorPlank LockPlayhouse PadlockRear BumperRegular PadlockSecurity CameraSmall DoorSpectral RatsTableTeddyTin CanUnstable FlooringVent GrilleVent Door


Bear TrapsBoxesChairChristmas TreeFall DamageFloor LampFreeze TrapGirderGuillotineHanging MeatIron BarsJail DoorLocked DoorMannequinMetal PanelPassenger DoorRear BumperSmall DoorTableVent Door


Chest PuzzleGasoline CanGrannySpiderSpider MomUnstable Flooring
